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About Us
We help businesses, large and small, to dominate their industries online by implementing “ahead of the curve” social media marketing strategies with an aim to double sales.

In other words, your growth is our growth. And our rapid success is proof in itself that what we do for businesses like yours works. That this year we’ll spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on our own marketing. Because we don’t just talk about doing this for our clients. We actually DO IT.

Effective communication skills

We know the importance of effective communication with clients. This enables us to develop a deeper and long-lasting relationship with you.


We have a competing staff that has expertise in almost all the areas of social media marketing. 

Good Value and Transparent Billing

The bottom line in business almost always comes down to money, so an important trait of our agency is value and transparent billing practices.


We have a competing staff that has expertise in almost all the areas of social media marketing. 


Happy Clients


Our Products


Projects Completed


Tickets Resolved
More Inbound Traffic

Without marketing your business on social media, your inbound traffic is limited to your usual customers. 


Higher Conversion Rates

With increased visibility, your business gains more opportunities for conversion. 

Improved Search Engine Rankings

Although posting on social media might get your business some site traffic, more effort than that is required to see significant success. 

Better Customer Satisfaction

Social media is a networking and communication platform. Creating a voice for your company through these platforms is important in humanizing your company.

Get Real Results...
In comparison, 37.6 percent plan to include Instagram, 35.1 percent plan to use Twitter, 22.8 plan to use LinkedIn, and 21.4 percent plan to use YouTube.
67% of consumers use Facebook and Twitter to find a resolution to issues, and 1 in 3 prefer customer care over social media to telephone or email.
Thirty-eight percent of small business owners plan to budget more for social media management in 2018.
Customers spend more money (20-40 percent) on brands who engage directly with them on social media.

A forest full of low-lying fruit is at your fingertips when you harness the power of social media. No more time and money down the drain on ad spend that gets zero results.

Contact us anywhere you want
Mailing address to reach us.
Dace Online Marketing
104 North Green Street, #125 Morganton, North Carolina, USA
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Call or Text: +1 (877) 405-0662